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In recent days, I updated the EM 12c release to However, the database where the repository was placed had Oracle Database Vault enabled and I was not even allowed to temporarily disable it during the upgrade (security policy of the company).
The best way to have proceeded with the installation without facing problems would be shutting down Oracle Database Vault.
The repository was running an Oracle Database updated with PSU 3.
When I started the installation process, in the repository update step, I came across the following error:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at line 21 File:/u01/app/oem/em12cR4/Middleware/oms/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/core/latest/admin/admin_create_cloud_engine_user.sql Statement:declare l_sql varchar2(512); l_count number; BEGIN select count(*) into l_count from all_users where username = upper('CLOUD_ENGINE_USER'); IF (l_count = 0) THEN l_sql := 'CREATE USER CLOUD_ENGINE_USER ' || ' IDENTIFIED BY "dbaspdgs10rio" ' || ' DEFAULT TABLESPACE MGMT_ECM_DEPOT_TS ' || ' TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP '|| ' PASSWORD EXPIRE ACCOUNT LOCK'; execute immediate l_sql; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -01920 THEN NULL; ELSE raise; END IF; END;
User SYS cannot create an account when DV is on. To resolve this error, I decided to temporarily grant dv_acctmgr and dv_owner role access to the users SYS and SYSMAN (both participate in the upgrade task). After that, I clicked RETRY and passed the problem:
grant dv_acctmgr to sys; grant dv_acctmgr to sysman; grant dv_owner to sys; grant dv_owner to sysman;
However, this was not enough. Later on, I had errors with another privilege:
ORA-47410: Realm violation for GRANT on CONNECT File:/u01/app/oem/em12cR4/Middleware/oms/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/core/latest/admin/admin_grants_repos_user.sql Statement:GRANT connect, resource TO SYSMAN
The problem here was the moment that the SYS user attempted to grant CONNECT role in grant for the SYSMAN user (by the way, SYSMAN already had this grant).
To resolve this step, I temporarily added the SYS user in the realm 'Database Vault Account Management':
By clicking on RETRY, I didn't have any more problems and the installation of the new version followed transparently to the end.
The best way to update would have been disabling Oracle Database Vault before the start of the task, but with these workarounds, you can update it even with Vault enabled.
Finally, revoke the temporarily granted access:
revoke dv_acctmgr from sys; revoke dv_acctmgr from sysman; revoke dv_owner from sys; revoke dv_owner from sysman; BEGIN DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM( REALM_NAME => 'Database Vault Account Management', GRANTEE => 'SYS'); END; /Have you enjoyed? Please leave a comment or give a 👍!