OCM 11g Preparation - Configure RMAN

This topic is very generic and have a very similar name with the topic "Configure Recovery Manager".

I don't really understand the difference as RMAN is the abbreviation for Recovery Manager.

What I would recommend you to study here is the RMAN binary syntax, that can receive many parameters, not only target, auxiliary and catalog:

Argument     Value          Description
target       quoted-string  connect-string for target database
catalog      quoted-string  connect-string for recovery catalog
nocatalog    none           if specified, then no recovery catalog
cmdfile      quoted-string  name of input command file
log          quoted-string  name of output message log file
trace        quoted-string  name of output debugging message log file
append       none           if specified, log is opened in append mode
debug        optional-args  activate debugging
msgno        none           show RMAN-nnnn prefix for all messages
send         quoted-string  send a command to the media manager
pipe         string         building block for pipe names
timeout      integer        number of seconds to wait for pipe input
checksyntax  none           check the command file for syntax errors
Both single and double quotes (' or ") are accepted for a quoted-string.
Quotes are not required unless the string contains embedded white-space.

Path to Documentation:

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide -> 5 4 Starting and Interacting with the RMAN Client

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