So, for the OCM 12c Upgrade Exam, for this topic I recommend to first revise all the materialized view features studied for OCM 11g. However, as the topic here is named "Modify" and not "Create", you must take special attention in 12c New Features, such as:
- Synchronous Refresh
- Out-of-Place Refresh
And don't forget to review all the other Materialized View already existent features, such as:
- Enable Query REWRITE
- Enable FAST refresh
And to do that you need to understand:
- How to create MVIEW and MVIEW LOGs;
- Refresh types (Complete/Fast/Force/Never);
- Requirements for Using Materialized Views with Aggregates;
- Creating prebuilt mviews;
Path to Documentation:
Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide -> Basic/Advanced Materialized Views
Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide -> Basic/Advanced Query Rewrite
Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide -> Refreshing Materialized Views
Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide -> Synchronous Refresh
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference -> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW (LOG)
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