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Those days I was challenging myself to make an exact match and correlate all lines returned by a select on v$sga, v$sgainfo and v$sgastat.
The biggest problem on those v$ views is that they bring different visions of the same thing (SGA), and I could never make a exact match of the bytes before. Now it was time to solve this puzzle. So I've built 5 different scenarios playing with AMM (Automatic Memory Management), ASMM (Automatic Shared Memory Management), complete separated pools, in-memory and PDBs.
Let's check the results and conclusions. Please share in the comments any finding or anything valuable that you may want to add.
So for this task, I've created a CDB database with default DBCA parameters and than for each scenario I've slightly changed some parameters.
The environment configuration is as follows:
Database: + DBBP 170718
Parameter File:
*.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/adump' *.audit_trail='db' *.compatible='' *.control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl' *.db_block_size=8192 *.db_domain='' *.db_name='orcl' *.db_recovery_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area' *.db_recovery_file_dest_size=4560m *.diagnostic_dest='/u01/app/oracle' *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)' *.enable_pluggable_database=true *.memory_target=800m *.open_cursors=300 *.processes=300 *.remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE' *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'
All Memory Parameters inferred by Oracle based based on this pfile are:
SQL> col name for a35 SQL> col value for a35 SQL> set tab off pages 1000 lines 1000 SQL> select name, type, value from v$parameter where name like '%size%' or name in ('memory_max_target','memory_target','pga_aggregate_target','sga_target') order by 1; NAME TYPE VALUE ----------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- bitmap_merge_area_size 3 1048576 client_result_cache_size 6 0 create_bitmap_area_size 3 8388608 db_16k_cache_size 6 0 db_2k_cache_size 6 0 db_32k_cache_size 6 0 db_4k_cache_size 6 0 db_8k_cache_size 6 0 db_block_size 3 8192 db_cache_size 6 0 db_flash_cache_size 6 0 db_keep_cache_size 6 0 db_recovery_file_dest_size 6 4781506560 db_recycle_cache_size 6 0 dnfs_batch_size 3 4096 global_context_pool_size 2 hash_area_size 3 131072 inmemory_size 6 0 java_max_sessionspace_size 3 0 java_pool_size 6 0 large_pool_size 6 0 max_dump_file_size 2 unlimited max_string_size 2 STANDARD memory_max_target 6 838860800 memory_target 6 838860800 object_cache_max_size_percent 3 10 object_cache_optimal_size 3 102400 olap_page_pool_size 6 0 parallel_execution_message_size 3 16384 pga_aggregate_target 6 0 result_cache_max_size 6 2097152 sga_max_size 6 838860800 sga_target 6 0 shared_pool_reserved_size 6 6291456 shared_pool_size 6 0 sort_area_retained_size 3 0 sort_area_size 3 65536 streams_pool_size 6 0 unified_audit_sga_queue_size 3 1048576 workarea_size_policy 2 AUTO 40 rows selected.
PDBs of my environment:
SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 3 PDB01 READ WRITE NO
Queries that I used on every Scenario to check SGA sizes:
select * from v$sga order by 1; select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1;
Let's begin...
Scenario 1:
For the first scenario I didn't change anything from the default configuration above. Let's check the results for the SGA queries and match them.
So, the SUM of bytes (VALUE column) in v$sga is the memory_target parameter (838860800), which is actually SGA + PGA. I've put colors for each line so will be easier to match them on next views:
We can easily match the Buffer Cache (yellow), Fixed SGA Size (orange) and Redo Buffers (light blue) of v$sga and v$sgainfo.
However, the Variable Size from v$sga is still not easy to match. However, here we have Java/Large/Shared/Streams Pools that we can match with next views (purple).
The first curious thing that we note when we compare v$sga or v$sgainfo with v$sgastat is that the Shared IO Pool is not part of the Shared Pool but part of the Buffer Cache (you need to SUM both to match with Buffer Cache line of v$sga/v$sgainfo)
When we add the v$memory_dynamic_components into the game, it also confirms the previous conclusion: Shared IO Pool is part of Buffer Cache. Note also that the Free SGA Memory Available of v$sgainfo matches the PGA Target of this view, as we are in a AMM environment. In this view, we also don't have Fixed SGA and Log Buffer as we are talking only about dynamic components.
So how do we match Variable Size of v$sga with the lines from other 3 views? Note that Variable Size is almost the same as Purple (Pools) + Dark Blue (PGA).
Variable Size = 532679408
Purple + Blue = 4194304 + 8388608 + 218103808 + 8388608 + 293601280 = 532676608
The difference (532679408 - 532676608) is actually 2800 bytes only = 350 Kbytes
So in an AMM environment, the Variable Size of v$sga means the PGA + Java/Large/Shared/Streams Pool of either v$sgainfo, v$sgastat or v$memory_dynamic_components.
Conclusions until now:
- The v$sgainfo and v$memory_dynamic_components says that Shared IO Pool is actually part of the Buffer Cache inside the SGA.
- We have a difference of 350 KBytes between the Variable Size and the sum of components inside of it.
- In a AMM environment, SGA Variable Size includes the whole PGA, which makes sense.
Raw output:
SQL> select * from v$sga order by 1; NAME VALUE CON_ID -------------------- ---------- ---------- Database Buffers 297795584 0 Fixed Size 2929936 0 Redo Buffers 5455872 0 Variable Size 532679408 0 SQL> select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; NAME BYTES RES CON_ID -------------------------------- ---------- --- ---------- Buffer Cache Size 297795584 Yes 0 Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0 Fixed SGA Size 2929936 No 0 Free SGA Memory Available 293601280 0 Granule Size 4194304 No 0 In-Memory Area Size 0 No 0 Java Pool Size 4194304 Yes 0 Large Pool Size 8388608 Yes 0 Maximum SGA Size 838860800 No 0 Redo Buffers 5455872 No 0 Shared IO Pool Size 16777216 Yes 0 Shared Pool Size 218103808 Yes 0 Startup overhead in Shared Pool 130751656 No 0 Streams Pool Size 8388608 Yes 0 14 rows selected. SQL> select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE CON_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ASM Buffer Cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT buffer cache 281018368 0 0 Data Transfer Cache 0 0 0 In-Memory Area 0 0 0 KEEP buffer cache 0 0 0 PGA Target 293601280 0 0 RECYCLE buffer cache 0 0 0 SGA Target 545259520 0 0 Shared IO Pool 16777216 0 0 java pool 4194304 0 0 large pool 8388608 0 0 shared pool 218103808 0 0 streams pool 8388608 0 0 18 rows selected. SQL> select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; POOL SUM(BYTES) CON_ID -------------------------- ---------- ---------- buffer_cache 281018368 0 fixed_sga 2929936 0 java pool 4194304 0 large pool 7159808 0 large pool 1228800 1 log_buffer 5455872 0 shared pool 9097464 0 shared pool 187926720 1 shared pool 7473672 2 shared pool 13605952 3 shared_io_pool 16777216 0 streams pool 8384136 0 streams pool 4472 1 13 rows selected.
Scenario 2:
For this scenario, I will play with Share IO Pool size to ensure that the 16Mbytes was not a coincidence. So, for parameters, everything is the same as before plus:
alter system set java_pool_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set large_pool_size=20M scope=spfile; alter system set streams_pool_size=30M scope=spfile; alter system set "_shared_io_pool_size"=40M scope=spfile;
Let's check the views:
Buffer Cache is now 8 Mbytes bigger than before (306184192-297795584). Everything is matching the same manner.
Java Pool is now with 10Mbytes, Large Pool with 20Mbytes, Streams Pool with 30Mbytes and Shared IO Pool with 40Mbytes, as expected.
Note that the buffer_cache + shared_io_pool from v$sgastat is still matching Buffer Cache Size from v$sga and v$sgainfo.
And the same applies for v$memory_dynamic_components. You need to add Shared IO Pool to DEFAULT buffer cache to have a match of Database Buffers of v$sga.
So, is the Variable Size of v$sga still matching Purple + Blue?
Variable Size = 524290800
Purple + Blue = 12582912 + 20971520 + 163577856 + 33554432 + 293601280 = 524288000
The difference (524290800 - 524288000) is still 2800 bytes = 350 Kbytes
Conclusions until now: same as before.
Raw output:
SQL> select * from v$sga order by 1; NAME VALUE CON_ID -------------------- ---------- ---------- Database Buffers 306184192 0 Fixed Size 2929936 0 Redo Buffers 5455872 0 Variable Size 524290800 0 SQL> select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; NAME BYTES RES CON_ID -------------------------------- ---------- --- ---------- Buffer Cache Size 306184192 Yes 0 Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0 Fixed SGA Size 2929936 No 0 Free SGA Memory Available 293601280 0 Granule Size 4194304 No 0 In-Memory Area Size 0 No 0 Java Pool Size 12582912 Yes 0 Large Pool Size 20971520 Yes 0 Maximum SGA Size 838860800 No 0 Redo Buffers 5455872 No 0 Shared IO Pool Size 41943040 Yes 0 Shared Pool Size 163577856 Yes 0 Startup overhead in Shared Pool 130920304 No 0 Streams Pool Size 33554432 Yes 0 14 rows selected. SQL> select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE CON_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ASM Buffer Cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT buffer cache 264241152 0 0 Data Transfer Cache 0 0 0 In-Memory Area 0 0 0 KEEP buffer cache 0 0 0 PGA Target 293601280 0 0 RECYCLE buffer cache 0 0 0 SGA Target 545259520 0 0 Shared IO Pool 41943040 41943040 0 java pool 12582912 12582912 0 large pool 20971520 20971520 0 shared pool 163577856 0 0 streams pool 33554432 33554432 0 18 rows selected. SQL> select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; POOL SUM(BYTES) CON_ID -------------------------- ---------- ---------- buffer_cache 264241152 0 fixed_sga 2929936 0 java pool 12582912 0 large pool 20480000 0 large pool 491520 1 log_buffer 5455872 0 shared pool 6351424 0 shared pool 141749672 1 shared pool 6850024 2 shared pool 8626736 3 shared_io_pool 41943040 0 streams pool 33554432 0 12 rows selected.
Scenario 3:
Now let's convert AMM to ASMM and enable In-Memory database option and see what happens. I will keep the environment the same as scenario 2 plus:
alter system reset memory_target scope=spfile; alter system set sga_target=500M scope=spfile; alter system set pga_aggregate_target=300M scope=spfile; alter system set inmemory_size=100M scope=spfile;
Checking the v$ views:
v$sga now shows a new In-Memory Area line. The SUM of all lines is not including PGA size anymore.
In v$sgainfo a the already exitent In-Memory Area line gets populated. Note that the Free SGA Memory Available is now zero as the DB cannot steal memory from PGA in a ASMM database.
In v$sgastat we still have the same behavior of buffer_cache line that needs to be added with shared_io_pool line to result in the Buffer Cache Size of previous views.
And how do we match now the Variable Size of v$sga with the other views?
Variable Size = 285214992
Purple = 12582912 + 20971520 + 218103808 + 33554432 = 285212672
The difference (285214992 - 285212672) is now 2320 bytes = 290 Kbytes (5 Mbytes less than in AMM)
New conclusions:
- The new difference between the Variable Size and the actual pools dropped from 350 Kbytes to 290 Kbytes.
- In a ASMM env, SGA Variable Size does not include the PGA. This also makes sense.
Raw output:
SQL> select * from v$sga order by 1; NAME VALUE CON_ID -------------------- ---------- ---------- Database Buffers 125829120 0 Fixed Size 2926320 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 0 Variable Size 285214992 0 SQL> select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; NAME BYTES RES CON_ID -------------------------------- ---------- --- ---------- Buffer Cache Size 125829120 Yes 0 Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0 Fixed SGA Size 2926320 No 0 Free SGA Memory Available 0 0 Granule Size 4194304 No 0 In-Memory Area Size 104857600 No 0 Java Pool Size 12582912 Yes 0 Large Pool Size 20971520 Yes 0 Maximum SGA Size 524288000 No 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 No 0 Shared IO Pool Size 41943040 Yes 0 Shared Pool Size 218103808 Yes 0 Startup overhead in Shared Pool 128349688 No 0 Streams Pool Size 33554432 Yes 0 14 rows selected. SQL> select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE CON_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ASM Buffer Cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT buffer cache 83886080 0 0 Data Transfer Cache 0 0 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 104857600 0 KEEP buffer cache 0 0 0 PGA Target 314572800 314572800 0 RECYCLE buffer cache 0 0 0 SGA Target 524288000 524288000 0 Shared IO Pool 41943040 41943040 0 java pool 12582912 12582912 0 large pool 20971520 20971520 0 shared pool 218103808 0 0 streams pool 33554432 33554432 0 18 rows selected. SQL> select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; POOL SUM(BYTES) CON_ID -------------------------- ---------- ---------- buffer_cache 83886080 0 fixed_sga 2926320 0 java pool 12582912 0 large pool 20480000 0 large pool 491520 1 log_buffer 5459968 0 shared pool 4004152 0 shared pool 198747816 1 shared pool 6771144 2 shared pool 8580696 3 shared_io_pool 41943040 0 streams pool 33554432 0 12 rows selected.
Scenario 4:
For this scenario, now I will enable some other Buffer Cache pools like 2k/4k/recycle/keep/etc. As before, the parameters are all the same of scenario 3 plus:
alter system set db_recycle_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set db_keep_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set db_2k_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set db_4k_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set db_16k_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set db_32k_cache_size=10M scope=spfile; alter system set sga_target=600M scope=spfile;
Let's check the views:
No surprise here. Let's check latter how we can match those lines with other views:
v$sga and v$sgainfo have a direct match as before (expect for Variable Size of v$sga).
And the same strange behavior regarding shared_io_pool again for v$sgastat.
Now for v$memory_dynamic_components things get more excited. Note that the yellow lines that represents segments in Buffer Cache are nor more divided. We need to SUM all the "* buffer cache" and Shared IO Pool to have a match with Buffer Cache Size of v$sgainfo:
Buffer Cache in v$sgainfo = 226492416
"* buffer cache" and Shared IO Pool in v$memory_dynamic_components = 12582912 + 12582912 + 12582912 + 12582912 + 109051904 + 12582912 + 12582912 + 41943040 = 226492416
And what about v$sga Variable Size? It's almost again the SUM of purples for either v$sgastat, v$sgainfo or v$memory_dynamic_components:
Variable Size = 289408088
Purple = 12582912 + 20971520 + 222298112 + 33554432 = 289406976
The difference (289408088 - 289406976) dropped now to 1112 bytes = 139 Kbytes
New conclusions:
- The new difference between the Variable Size and the actual pools dropped from 290 Kbytes to 139 Kbytes.
Raw output:
SQL> select * from v$sga order by 1; NAME VALUE CON_ID -------------------- ---------- ---------- Database Buffers 226492416 0 Fixed Size 2927528 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 0 Variable Size 289408088 0 SQL> select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; NAME BYTES RES CON_ID -------------------------------- ---------- --- ---------- Buffer Cache Size 226492416 Yes 0 Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0 Fixed SGA Size 2927528 No 0 Free SGA Memory Available 0 0 Granule Size 4194304 No 0 In-Memory Area Size 104857600 No 0 Java Pool Size 12582912 Yes 0 Large Pool Size 20971520 Yes 0 Maximum SGA Size 629145600 No 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 No 0 Shared IO Pool Size 41943040 Yes 0 Shared Pool Size 222298112 Yes 0 Startup overhead in Shared Pool 131422720 No 0 Streams Pool Size 33554432 Yes 0 14 rows selected. SQL> select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE CON_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ASM Buffer Cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT buffer cache 109051904 0 0 Data Transfer Cache 0 0 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 104857600 0 KEEP buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 PGA Target 314572800 314572800 0 RECYCLE buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 SGA Target 629145600 629145600 0 Shared IO Pool 41943040 41943040 0 java pool 12582912 12582912 0 large pool 20971520 20971520 0 shared pool 222298112 0 0 streams pool 33554432 33554432 0 18 rows selected. SQL> select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; POOL SUM(BYTES) CON_ID -------------------------- ---------- ---------- buffer_cache 184549376 0 fixed_sga 2927528 0 java pool 12582912 0 large pool 20480000 0 large pool 491520 1 log_buffer 5459968 0 shared pool 5184240 0 shared pool 201543320 1 shared pool 6800384 2 shared pool 8770168 3 shared_io_pool 41943040 0 streams pool 33554432 0 12 rows selected.
Scenario 5:
For the last scenario, I will now define each SGA component size individually and check what happens. Again, the same parameters as before plus:
alter system reset sga_target scope=spfile; alter system set db_cache_size=100M scope=spfile; alter system set shared_pool_size=200M scope=spfile;
Checking the views:
Nothing special changed in v$sga.
Nothing special changed in v$sgainfo.
Nothing special changed in v$sgastat.
Lastly, let's check if the difference among Variable Size of v$sga and SGA pools have changed.
Variable Size = 289408376
Purple = 12582912 + 20971520 + 222298112 + 33554432 = 289406976
The difference (289408376 - 289406976) increased now to 1400 bytes = 175 Kbytes
New conclusions:
- The new difference between the Variable Size and the actual pools increased from 139 Kbytes to 170 Kbytes.
Raw output:
SQL> select * from v$sga order by 1; NAME VALUE CON_ID -------------------- ---------- ---------- Database Buffers 209715200 0 Fixed Size 2927240 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 0 Variable Size 289408376 0 SQL> select * from v$sgainfo order by 1; NAME BYTES RES CON_ID -------------------------------- ---------- --- ---------- Buffer Cache Size 209715200 Yes 0 Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0 Fixed SGA Size 2927240 No 0 Free SGA Memory Available 0 0 Granule Size 4194304 No 0 In-Memory Area Size 104857600 No 0 Java Pool Size 12582912 Yes 0 Large Pool Size 20971520 Yes 0 Maximum SGA Size 612368384 No 0 Redo Buffers 5459968 No 0 Shared IO Pool Size 41943040 Yes 0 Shared Pool Size 222298112 Yes 0 Startup overhead in Shared Pool 127957928 No 0 Streams Pool Size 33554432 Yes 0 14 rows selected. SQL> select component, current_size, user_specified_size, con_id from v$memory_dynamic_components order by 1; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE CON_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ASM Buffer Cache 0 104857600 0 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 DEFAULT buffer cache 92274688 92274688 0 Data Transfer Cache 0 0 0 In-Memory Area 104857600 104857600 0 KEEP buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 PGA Target 314572800 314572800 0 RECYCLE buffer cache 12582912 12582912 0 SGA Target 0 0 0 Shared IO Pool 41943040 41943040 0 java pool 12582912 12582912 0 large pool 20971520 20971520 0 shared pool 222298112 222298112 0 streams pool 33554432 33554432 0 18 rows selected. SQL> select nvl(pool,name) pool, sum(bytes), con_id from v$sgastat group by nvl(pool,name), con_id order by 1,3,2; POOL SUM(BYTES) CON_ID -------------------------- ---------- ---------- buffer_cache 167772160 0 fixed_sga 2927240 0 java pool 12582912 0 large pool 20971520 0 log_buffer 5459968 0 shared pool 9369744 0 shared pool 198289040 1 shared pool 6500608 2 shared pool 8138720 3 shared_io_pool 41943040 0 streams pool 33554432 0 11 rows selected.
After these 5 tests, I came with 3 major conclusions:
- The Shared IO Pool is part of Buffer Cache accordingly to v$sgastat and v$memory_dynamic_components views. v$sga put it also in Database Buffers, not in Variable Size. v$sgainfo show them separated.
- The Variable Size of v$sga is the sum of Large Pool, Java Pool, Streams Pool and Shared Pool (not Shared IO Pool). If AMM is enabled, it also includes PGA.
- There is very small difference (350 Kbytes is the highest I got) in Variable Size to match it with the pools. I would love to understand why this difference is not exactly zero. If anyone knows please share.
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Hi Rodrigo,
thanks to your post, I've made the script to show detailed info from all of these 4 views:
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I have another comment about the great sql script : Redo Log Buffer is part of the SGA, right? And Redo Log Buffer is also allocated under 'Redo Buffers'.
But then the redo log buffer is not displayed with the program. I have made an extension, if you want I can share it
Excellent work! You will go far
Nice work, it explained why the max usage of SGA according to Oracle was larger as the parameter sga_max 🙂
Just what I was looking for, many thanks for your efforts
Firstly a big thanks to Rodrigo for taking the time to share this and to Sayan for making the scripts available!
Rodrigo, one quick question:
From scenario 1 "However, the Variable Size from v$sga is still not easy to match. However, here we have Java/Large/Shared/Streams Pools that we can match with next views (purple)."
Should we expect the sum of these four elements (4194304 + 8388608 + 218103808 + 8388608) = 239075328 to equal Variable Size from v$SGA (532679408) ?
Or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for any feedback you have time to give.
Hi Jes,
As I mentioned in the "Conclusions" section, the Variable Size of v$sga is the sum of Large Pool, Java Pool, Streams Pool and Shared Pool only if Automatic Memory Management is NOT enabled. If AMM is enabled, it also includes PGA!
Hi Rodrigo,
Thanks for putting this excellent effort.
I just want to ask something that migh be related to this article. I find that Shared Pool Size is different between v$sgastat and v$memory_dynamic_components.
The query
"SELECT pool, sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 AS "Size (GB)" FROM v$sgastat WHERE pool = 'shared pool' GROUP BY pool;"
gives me 2.7 GB
..while this query :
"SELECT component, current_size/1024/1024/1024, max_size, granule_size, last_oper_type FROM v$memory_dynamic_components;"
gives me 5.6 GB.
So whats the difference ?
thanks for your answer.
keep up the excellent work . Cheers mate