In Oracle APEX, generating the application checksum is useful to compare if the application you have running in one workspace is an exact copy of the application running somewhere else.
To create this checksum, you can go into Utilities -> Application Checksum.
However, it is not very well documented how you could generate this checksum using PL/SQL to automatically check it using some code or even implement it via REST.
Here is the solution:
set serverout on declare l_files apex_t_export_files; begin -- Print SH1 l_files := apex_export.get_application(p_application_id => 101, p_type => 'CHECKSUM-SH1'); dbms_output.put_line(l_files(1).contents); -- Print SH256 l_files := apex_export.get_application(p_application_id => 101, p_type => 'CHECKSUM-SH256'); dbms_output.put_line(l_files(1).contents); end; / SH1:lGbYh4kq0oKFIA7pi7qJuPi+NsY= SH256:hGDThkXNl5PrVZCDpRUfq0JoqMI0/njt94ZxQLN7HDA=Have you enjoyed? Please leave a comment or give a 👍!
Good one!
But in which APEX version they introduced p_type parameter?
In version 19.2 this parameter is unfortunately not present 🙁
I checked the documentation and p_type parameter is available from APEX 21.1 forward.