Categoria: Data Guard

Data Guard

Weird ORA-01031: insufficient privileges on DGMGRL

Those days, my production dataguard system suddenly started to receive a weird ORA-01031: insufficient privileges on DGMGRL for any task like "show configuration" or "edit database set state". More weird is that nothing (apparently) was changed on the system. Another troubleshooting saga in my DBA life was about to start.. My broker was configured with …

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Cloning Security List Rules among different SLs in OCI

On the last year, I've been working for a customer that uses one of the Oracle OCI regions as his primary DC and the other as a Standby environment. As they are pretty identical regarding the routes and network access rules, I needed to constantly get their Standby region in sync with the primary regarding …

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Erro no Oracle Data Guard - Force closing the keystore for standby rekey.

Eu tenho configurado uma BD Primary executando Oracle Database 11g com apenas um nó de Physical Standby. Esses dias, tentei criar uma coluna criptografada dentro de uma tabela para testar algumas funcionalidades. Eu acabei, sem querer, estragando as coisas: Force closing the keystore for standby rekey. Please re-copy the keystore from primary before re-open as needed. …

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Oracle Data Guard Fast-Start Failover e Oracle Wallet

O Fast-Start Failover Observer é um componente do Oracle Data Guard Broker que permite ao DBA automatizar a tarefa de failover e ter noites mais tranquilas de sono. O que poucos DBAs sabem, no entanto, é que ele pode trabalhar em conjunto com o Oracle Wallet, de forma que você possa remover a senha de login dos …

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